Newton First Assembly of God1
Bridging Belief and Behavior
Bridging Faith and Action
No Ordinary Encounter
Manger Tales
The Enquiring Encounter
The Encouraging Encounter
The Impossible Encounter
Freedom From Sin
Streaming Test
Streaming Test
Streaming Test
Streaming Test
Streaming Test
Newton First Assembly Live Stream
“Churches can complicate and really confuse what Jesus instructed us as His church to do. Newton First Assembly believes that our mission is a simple, uncomplicated mission. We believe in obeying Jesus’ command and commission. As Jesus was leaving the earth so that His Holy Spirit may come, he gave us our commission, found in Matthew 28:19–20, that we are to make disciples, or ‘followers of Christ.’ At Newton First Assembly of God, we simply want to obey Jesus; to Love God, Love People and Live It.”